Talking Place: Unfolding Conversation
Talking Place: Unfolding Conversations is a collaborative exhibition between Monika Lukowska, Annette Nykiel, Sarah Robinson, Jane Whelan and invited artists Ryan Burge and Tracy Hill, that explores the significance of wetlands with particular focus on Lake Walyungup—a shallow, ephemeral salt lake in the Rockingham area sometimes referred to as the place where Noongar) people talk. Lake Walyungup is a seemingly forgotten, empty space in the midst of a growing urban community which offers shelter to migratory birds and wildlife. It has a deep history embedded in stromatolite remains, links with the Noongar community and various historical uses by the passing groups of settlers as well as the armed forces.
The Alcoa Mandurah Art Gallery invites you to the official celebration event with special guest speaker the Hon. David Alan Templeman MLA for Mandurah for the exhibition TALKING PLACE: UNFOLDING CONVERSATIONS by artists Monika Lukowska, Annette Nykiel, Sarah Robinson, Jane Whelan Ryan Burge, Tracy Hill at 2pm Sunday 23 June to be followed at 3pm with an artist’s discussion panel.
The soundscape work (Salt, Two Wrens and a Knock at the Door) was commissioned and acquired by Mandurah Performing Arts Centre.